パソナシンガポールはシンガポール経済開発庁(EDB)による「The Workshop」シリーズに日系企業として唯一参加いたしました。
「The Workshop」シリーズは東南アジアの市場参入戦略、人材採用、法人設立、パートナーシップなど、EDBが厳選した専門家によるアジア進出に関して無料で受講・相談できる個別ワークショップです。
当地で奮闘されているマネジメントの方々の身近な応援団として、皆様の人事課題に寄り添い、共に成長していく存在であり続けたいと思っておりますので、ぜひお気軽に「The Workshop」 にご参加ください。
EDB主催「The Workshop」シリーズの特徴
The Workshopコンテンツ一覧
Banking seamlessly across SEA from Singapore
(by DBS)
In this workshop with Southeast Asia’s largest bank, learn about how to expand your business and establish regional centres in the region, and get expert advice and tailored solutions in corporate banking, wealth management and capital markets.
Doing business in SG: Your gateway to SEA
(by Hawksford)
Discover why Singapore is an ideal launchpad for companies setting up in SEA, relevant work passes, immigration, taxation and IP considerations.
Market expansion: Growing your revenue in APAC
(by Asia Market Entry)
Unpack your key growth challenges and maximize revenue opportunities tailored to your APAC business expansion plans.
Mastering financial management for SEA (by Aspire)
Get key insights for navigating financial management, cash flow, reporting, foreign exchange and working capital from Singapore.
Navigating Singapore’s business ecosystem
(by Acclime)
This workshop covers business structures, work passes, immigration regulations, tax frameworks and tips for investing in Singapore and the region.
SG: Your talent launchpad from Japan to the world
(by Pasona)
Going global? Get industry insights tailored for Japanese companies to accelerate HR and talent strategies globally, from Singapore.
Succeed with Singapore’s business ecosystem
(by SIG Tax and Accounting)
Set up for success from Singapore, and learn best practices for incorporation, wealth management, visas, taxes and certification.
Twin to win: Manufacturing strategies for SEA
(by Gallant Venture)
Get insights on establishing a winning regional manufacturing strategy for Southeast Asia, by twinning your operations in Singapore and Indonesia’s industrial parks.
Workplace strategy & sustainability simplified
(by CapitaLand)
Learn more about CapitaLand’s real estate solutions, support for corporate sustainability agendas and tech development projects.
Read More
How The Workshop supports market expansion into Southeast Asia, from Singapore: Learn how UK venture capital firm Fuel Ventures Asia and Chinese high-tech enterprise AI Power gained tips and connections for market entry in Southeast Asia, from EDB’s network of experts.